Call Now For An Appointment (707) 455-1385

Call Now For An Appointment
(707) 455-1385


Founded in 1990, we provided only bookkeeping and income tax services. In 1995, we began offering full payroll services to small businesses because we saw a need for “hands-on” help dealing with everyday circumstances that needed immediate attention. Since then, we have helped and provided our services to more than 500 businesses.

We have also provided free business workshops to help business owners understand the different types of entities (sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and Limited Liability Company or LLC) and its tax structure.

We strongly believe that knowledge is critical to managing a successful business and the services we provide reinforce the foundation to maintain a healthy business.

Ana Pellecer


Manuel Cosme Jr.

Senior Consultant

Susan A. Thomas

Payroll Specialist/Tax Preparer 

Jennifer Espinoza

Bookkeeper/Tax Preparer

Henry Guzman

Bookkeeper/Tax Preparer